Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Little R & R

I missed the premier of Rachael Ray's new talk show but caught the second episode this morning while packing to leave Las Vegas. The perky little Food Network host/cook is even perkier on her new show, but that's what makes Rachael, Rachael.

Rachel had a surprise guest for her studio audience (The home audience saw the secret in the taped preshow tease) on this morning's show.) Her big benefactor- Oprah! Harpo Productions is producing Rachael Ray and the queen herself dropped by to check out her investment. They cooked up some kind of homemade pizza that looked good and according to Oprah, tasted great.

The show is very energetic. DUH! It's Rachael Ray. The set is pretty cool, too. The kitchen has an orange stove and powder blue fridge! Rachael says a friend found the stove on eBay! Also, the studio audience seats move. So, when Rachael moves from the talk set to the kitchen set, the audience follows and is always close to the action.

Aside from the occasional appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Oprah doesn't make too many guest appearances on TV talk fests and Rachael knows it. She herself said it would be hard to top show #2 as she thanked O for all of her support.

I don't think I'll be a regular viewer, but the show looks pretty good on first inspection. We'll see how it does in the ratings.

Oh, Good Evening!


Mystifiedlady said...

When I was job hunting a few short months back I got an offer to be one of the web producers for the website for this show. I turned it down because the pay was ridiculously low. I would have had to take a $20K pay cut.

Unknown said...

Probably the downfall of it being a new syndie project. It likely needs to succeed in order for the salaries to come up to par. But get this, whoever IS running the site or whoever is HOSTING the site has problems because I haven't been able to view it. Maybe the traffic is overwhelming their server.